Batman Returns analysis












Up at The Beat.

Happy Birthday, Empire

In honor of the 30th anniversary of The Empire Strikes Back, I’d like to contribute one of my most popular posts from days of yore.

I wish I could quit you, Lord Vader.

So, Darth Vader is looking for Luke Skywalker. He doesn’t have a chance of finding him (in spite of being able to sense his presence a galaxy away when the plot demands it), but he can, theoretically, find Luke’s friends Han and Leia (and Chewbacca, of course). Han, Leia, Chewbacca (and C-3PO, you know, the robot that Darth Vader built when he was 9 years old) are in Han’s ship the Millenium Falcon. The Millenium Falcon is a fast ship with many tricks up its proverbial sleeves, so it’s very difficult to catch. To catch the Millenium Falcon, Darth Vader can’t rely on his ill-informed, bumbling Imperial forces — he must turn to bounty hunters. “We don’t need that scum,” mutters Imperial Guy under his breath when he sees the dregs of the universe cluttering up his Star Destroyer.

So, the official Imperial stance on bounty hunters is: we don’t like you. So it seems that Vader has taken it upon himself to hire the bounty hunters himself, in spite of his officers’ disapproval. Who knows, maybe the bounty he’s offering is out of his own pocket.  Point is, Vader has a much different opinion of bounty hunters than the Empire does.

Many bounty hunters apply for the job; only one can catch the wily Han Solo and friends. Scaly reptile in yellow flight-suit Bossk can’t hack it, half-droid-half-insect 4-LOM is a failure, stubby whatsit Zuckuss hasn’t a clue, renegade assassin droid IG-88 couldn’t find his ass with both hands, a map and a flashlight. Only master bounty hunter Boba Fett has what it takes to track down and capture Han Solo in his super-wily Millenium Falcon.

Here’s my question — what’s up with Darth Vader and Boba Fett?

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Movie night with Sam

I showed my son Sam (9) Spider-Man.  The following conversation occurred at the climax of the movie.

NORMAN OSBOURNE: (to Peter Parker) Peter!  How could you?  I was like a father to you!

PETER PARKER: I had a father.  His name was Ben Parker.

SAM: Wait, his dad and his uncle had the same name?

Michael Powell would be so proud right now.

My fake bio

The bizarre website Kosmix has a page for “Opinions and Discussions” about me.  I have no idea what Kosmix’s brief is, because the articles cited on the page all seem to begin coherently, then spiral quickly into word-salad gobbledegook.  But I draw your attention to the above bio, which is presented there with calm authority, in spite of the fact that, past the first sentence, the entire thing is a complete fabrication.

The next time someone asks me for a bio, I’m turning this in.

New Batman piece up at The Beat

My piece on Tim Burton’s ground-breaking 1989 Batman is up at The Beat.  Due to The Beat’s recent flame-discouraging policy, response has been much more sober and respectful this time around.

The Alcott scholar

How famous is my 20-year-old monologue “Television?”

I knew it was being taught in high schools and colleges, but I didn’t know that papers on it can be purchased by lazy or uninspired students.

It’s been quite a while since I’ve been in school, but based on the opening paragraphs of the “scholarly paper” offered for sale here, the student who pays for this analysis is getting ripped off.

“Television” again

Now available in tasty Youtube flavor!

What Does The Beat Want?

It’s been a big internet week for me.  First, I launched this new blog (if you haven’t switched your Livejournal bookmarks, do so now!)  Then, out of nowhere, someone I’ve never even met made this smashing video out of a monologue I wrote 20 years ago, and it’s caught on like internet wildfire.  And now, my good friend Heidi McDonald at The Beat has started re-posting some of my earlier comics-movies-related analyses, starting with my look at 1966’s Batman: The Movie.

This is the first time one of my blog pieces has been re-posted in another forum, but the reviews are in and readers are ecstatic!

“You are a complete idiot!” – vlucca

“Although I wouldn’t level the charge of “idiot” as vlucca does,I would say ‘misguided’ or “sloppy.'” – S. Chapman

“This so-called “analysis” …  seems to have missed the mark entirely!” – KET

“This isn’t so much analysis as it is a badly-written review of a film that the reviewer obviously doesn’t understand or appreciate!” – John

Machete trailer

If you’re a fan of my blog, you’ve probably already seen this.  That said, what a wonderful trailer.

EDIT: Okay, for some reason YouTube isn’t showing it.  You can watch it here instead.

And, for those coming in late, this is not the trailer from the fake movie from Grindhouse, this is the trailer for the real movie coming out in September.

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