What Does The Beat Want?

It’s been a big internet week for me.  First, I launched this new blog (if you haven’t switched your Livejournal bookmarks, do so now!)  Then, out of nowhere, someone I’ve never even met made this smashing video out of a monologue I wrote 20 years ago, and it’s caught on like internet wildfire.  And now, my good friend Heidi McDonald at The Beat has started re-posting some of my earlier comics-movies-related analyses, starting with my look at 1966’s Batman: The Movie.

This is the first time one of my blog pieces has been re-posted in another forum, but the reviews are in and readers are ecstatic!

“You are a complete idiot!” – vlucca

“Although I wouldn’t level the charge of “idiot” as vlucca does,I would say ‘misguided’ or “sloppy.'” – S. Chapman

“This so-called “analysis” …  seems to have missed the mark entirely!” – KET

“This isn’t so much analysis as it is a badly-written review of a film that the reviewer obviously doesn’t understand or appreciate!” – John