Venture Bros: The Incredible Mr. Brisby

In a cartoon, or a movie, or a TV show, anything in popular culture really, when the creators want to point out that a character is lame, they name him Todd.

This is why I hate the name Todd.
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11 Responses to “Venture Bros: The Incredible Mr. Brisby”
  1. eronanke says:

    This is all you have to say about the episode? Did you not like it?
    I liked this episode because of the many pop-culture references. Especially Mr. Bowie’s panda. Amazing.

    • Todd says:

      This is all you have to say about the episode?

      It was hard to see the rest of the episode through my bitter tears of rage and betrayal.

      • eronanke says:

        I’m sorry you feel that way, Todd. But surely you can rise above?
        “Todd shall overcome!” and all that?

  2. craigjclark says:

    I thought Chad was the go-to name for lame.

  3. popebuck1 says:

    Try growing up in the ’70s with the name Bruce – back when it was pretty much a pop-culture synonym for “flaming fag.”

  4. gazblow says:

    Gary is also a useful shorthand for ‘dork’.

  5. Todd says:

    In the late sixties, my family would watch “The Doris Day Show,” where she was a widower trying to raise a couple of kids. One of the kids was a bespectacled, paste-eating dimwit named — Todd.

    I was seven, same age as the kid. You do the math.

  6. rennameeks says:

    This is why you became a writer, right?

    So you could fight against the stereotype for Todds everywhere by creating a new breed of Todd.

    Personally, I think you’re succeeding in that. *points at blog*

  7. robolizard says:

    Wait a second, I just watched that episode– the guy’s name was Ted, not Todd! These are a diffirent time than the sixties… now naming a dimit ‘Todd’ is almost… its not pretty to say the least…