Sam’s corner

Martian Manhunter, his wife and child, drawn by Sam (5), from looking at his Justice League action figures.

“I’m trying to really look!” he exclaimed in the middle of his work.


8 Responses to “Sam’s corner”
  1. urbaniak says:

    Not only are the figures excellent but the I predict that the arrow connecting the last two letters of the second word will be a widely imitated graphic design trope within a couple of years.

  2. never_wakeup says:

    (Haha, quite true, James.)

    I like that Sam understands enough about MM to give him a stern mouth — not the wide grin that Superman might sport.

  3. thespus says:

    I’ve been drawing my whole life and I only learned to really look after college. I was pointed toward your journal yesterday and, after reading a few entries, I’m struck by what a smart kid Sam is.

  4. papajoemambo says:

    Ok, this completely rocks

    I wanna see ‘way more “Sam’s Corner”.

  5. urbaniak says:

    You know, I just clicked twice on that to make it maximum size and that is an insanely good drawing.

  6. r_sikoryak says:

    Very nice.
    If you and Sam want to do a Carousel, just say the word…