Nota bene

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Michael Kupperman, one of America’s greatest cartoonists, has a blog. You should go read it.


6 Responses to “Nota bene”
  1. craigjclark says:

    Will do. I’ve been a fan of his work ever since I picked up Snake ‘N’ Bacon’s Cartoon Cabaret at a bookstore several years back and couldn’t put it down again without buying it. It wasn’t until recently, though, that I discovered his Tales Designed to Thrizzle series, but I quickly caught up thanks to my local comic book shop’s liberal policy regarding backordering.

  2. pseydtonne says:

    Yay! Thank you for finding this. Kupperman is a genius.

  3. 55seddel says:

    I shall.

    Do you have a netflix?

  4. r_sikoryak says:

    I just found out about this — via Heidi’s blog. You kids and your blogs!

  5. Michael Kupperman is boss!