Kit and The Last Crusade

While you’re waiting for my exhaustive, multi-part, scene-by-scene analysis of Schindler’s List, here is my daughter Kit (5)’s interpretation of the climax of Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.hitcounter

At the top, of course, is the name of the protagonist. Directly below that is the row of “false grails” that Indy has ignored. Finally, at the bottom, we see Indy with the true grail. We know it’s Indy because of his hat. Indy, as we can see, is very happy to have chosen the true grail. Perhaps drinking from the true grail will get him to re-grow his lower body.


6 Responses to “Kit and The Last Crusade”
  1. emeraldsedai says:

    I’m frequently awed by child art. It’s the purest cultural expression imaginable.

  2. rennameeks says:

    Perhaps drinking from the true grail will get him to re-grow his lower body.

    It worked for his dad!

  3. Anonymous says:

    Yeah Kit! You go girl!

  4. Anonymous says:

    We can only hope.

  5. r_sikoryak says:

    I thought “Indyana Tones” was a tribute band.
    A band that plays on five musical glasses.