Happy Valentine’s Day from What Does the Protagonist Want?
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Sam’s valentine for his class this year. In case it’s not clear, that’s Indiana Jones, clutching a stolen heart, being chased by a giant rolling m&m. (Small bags of m&m’s were taped to the back of each valentine.
As an added attraction, beneath the fold I’ve compiled a collection of my favorite valentine designs from around the internet. If you "get" every single one of these jokes, congratulations! You’re a geek.
Feel free to post your own finds.
And, by all means, click for larger view.
Yep, that’s Valentine’s Day all summed up.
I heart-ripped-from-chest-on-fire you too.
*face palm* I’m an incurable geek.
I &heart; these.
The only one I don’t get is the bear one. Am I an idiot or just unaware of some obscure reference being made?
I don’t think there’s anything to “get” there, I think it’s just funny.
Except of course for the very serious bear problem that the United States has, as outlined numerous times by Stephen Colbert.
It says “I choo-choo-choose you”! And there’s a picture of a train!
Yay, sleep! That’s when I’m a viking!
Let’s bee friends.
nerd nerd nerd nerd!
Heh. My daughter (8 yrs old) also made her valentines for her class (only one other kid did so). She got a hot glue gun for Christmas and really went to town, turning heart shaped lollypops into cupids. Probably the rightest thing wife and I have done in life is to make it as easy as possible for our kid to be creative.
My fave…
More at: http://www.the-isb.com/
You got me — that’s pretty out there.
League of Extraordinary Gentlemen FTW!
I just realized “What Does the Protagonist Want?” is the name of the blog.
A Hitler Valentine?!?? 😯
Just because a guy is the architect of the destruction of a continent doesn’t mean he’s incapable of love.
“Ze only conqvest I vant ist YOU!!!”
“Make Lebensraum for me — in your heart!”
Yeeeaaaa. So not feeling the love here. 😯
If it helps you any, neither is St. Valentine.
moar funny pictures
aww sam’s is awesome! homemade valentines are the best
There’s nerdiest valentines are obscure Star Trek: Deep Space Nine reference valentines.
My favorite character in the entire ST universe is Mott.
Morn. :/
Jon Morris’ Deadwood Valentines.
There are some swears.
Sam rocks.