21 Responses to “First!”Who is Todd Alcott?
Todd Alcott is a screenwriter living in Los Angeles with his wife and his kids and his cats and his dogs. He has worked on many feature films and has sometimes been credited for thus. You may have seen one.
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- true hollywood stories
- Urbaniak
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Page Summary
- 11/6/24 November 6, 2024
- Unexpectedly edifying double feature of the week: The Apprentice and Heaven’s Gate October 17, 2024
- Joker: Folie a Deux October 7, 2024
- Trap August 5, 2024
- Some thoughts on Furiosa May 31, 2024
- Some thoughts on Civil War April 16, 2024
- The Etruscan Horse February 18, 2024
- Some thoughts on the screenplay for Oppenheimer January 23, 2024
- The Beekeeper January 15, 2024
- Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde October 5, 2023
- Some thoughts on Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 May 7, 2023
- What does the screenwriter want? May 3, 2023
- The first time the WGA changed my life May 3, 2023
- Black Summer March 20, 2023
- Some thoughts on Elvis (2022) August 7, 2022
- Halloween 2021 November 2, 2021
- Some thoughts on The Boys October 3, 2020
- The Big Lebowski and our present moment May 19, 2020
- Some thoughts on The Lion King July 25, 2019
- Piece in The Guardian May 4, 2019
*makes horrible nasal-drip geek sound* ahem, wrong, my dear n00bz.
The Star Trek episode that most closely aligns with what Mr. Alcott desrcibes is “The Savage Curtain”, episode 77, which first aired March 7, 1969 when I was precisely three weeks old. A band of volcanic lava-men abduct Kirk and Spock, along with Abraham Lincoln and Surak, the father of Vulcan nonviolence and logic. The four of them are taken to the lava men’s combat planet, then forced to do battle with Genghis Khan, a genocidal 21st ventury supervillain named Colonel Green, Kahless the Unforgettable (brutal founder of the Klingon empire) and Zora, who is some kind of crazy cat lady with a mean streak. The lava men known nothing of good and evil and wish to see which philosophy will prevail. Place your wagers now. Handicapper’s notes: Surak won’t fight at all, he’s like a pointy-eared Gandhi. But Lincoln…well, the don’t call him the railsplitter for nothing.
Always happy to lend a hand when it comes to science fiction…pre-1990 science fiction, anyway.
Thanks for that.
What a shame that the studios are shying away from spec scripts. It seems everyone I read is a budding screenwriter. I suppose all you can do is submit them and hope you catch someones imagination.
Well you cant go wrong in property. It seems to be the big thing in the UK. My own flat has increased 100% in 4 years. If I could just take the profit out and go travelling again, I would be some much happier; but I could never get onto the property ladder again!
Lol. I dont believe it!!
Just like on
Alright then, SECOND!!
My jealousy knows no limits. After all, second *is* the best.
Never liked gold that much. Too garish for me. Give me nice understated silver anyday :p
Are you referring to the treasure chest? [And in my elementary school it was always hairy chest too. We were manly then.]
Medals for position. Gold = First (boo!) and Silver = Second (horray!)
Bronze = like whatever!
[what, with first being the worst and all]
At least it’s not the Boobies! guy. Anyway, we covered that yesterday.
Hang on, I need to mull this the fuck over.
There is no way to escape the obligatory comment on this comments page. A great video nevertheless.
Well I had to, didnt I?
Re: First
Dude, you were *totally* third.
Re: First
Thwarted, I was!
Re: First
I’m the proudest I’ve ever been.
Re: First
Seems I have a nemesis now. A pox be upon you, First Stealer!
“Am I doing Satan’s work? Yes.”
Well, at least the guy’s honest.
Cute video.
What’s really irksome is when dueling firsters soak up the better part of a page. I wonder what a group of firsters would be called?
To be fair it was done in irony.
We losers dont usually duel like that.
Oh, present company excepted, of course.