Everything you need to know about Karl Rove
“History will see President Bush as right, and the opponents of his policy as mistaken — as George McGovern was in his time.”
What Does the Protagonist Want?
“History will see President Bush as right, and the opponents of his policy as mistaken — as George McGovern was in his time.”
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Weird that he would name-check McGovern like that. I mean, does anybody with half a brain really think we would have “won” Vietnam if we had just “stayed the course” and let Nixon bomb the shit out of whoever he wanted to?
P.S. – I just recently read Hunter S. Thompson’s Fear and Loathing: On the Campaign Trail ’72, which is about McGovern’s failed attempt to unseat Nixon. Very sobering stuff.
People always forget, too, that McGovern was a decorated WWII veteran who got smeared as a nancy-boy peacenik, just as Vietnam veterans Gore and Kerry were, years later.
Those were Rove’s formative years.