Close Encounters pop quiz
Q: Farrah Fawcett has a cameo in Close Encounters of the Third Kind. In which scene does she appear, and where?
What Does the Protagonist Want?
Q: Farrah Fawcett has a cameo in Close Encounters of the Third Kind. In which scene does she appear, and where?
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I’m not sure which scene, but her famous poster is definitely in the movie somewhere.
She lost a lot of weight and played one of the aliens.
Is it when Roy Neary goes to the New You Shop?
If you were uber-rich would you produce your own written movies, or would you just live the good life?
If I were uber-rich I could get other people to finance my movies.
I’ve yet to see it, but…
your query inspires me to propose a counter Pop Quiz question. Sam Rockwell is what character in the first Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie?
One of the people waiting for the aliens when the helicoptors came?
I’m pretty sure she was the mashed potatoes
Just watched this for the first time last night at my girlfriend’s prompting. Great movie. I *think* I saw a Farrah poster behind the French scientist when he plays the 5 tones on his keyboard?
Is that like the cat’s pajamas?
You are correct! I watched this movie fifty times and only saw it for the first time the other night.
I’m almost positive it is the one and only time Farrah Fawcett appeared in a Francois Truffaut film.
Todd, dont watch Transformers! It’ll make you cry!
Three masturbation jokes, two characters forced to show there boxer shorts, and a small robot that actually sneaks scooby doo style on tiptoes passed some secret agents, while making “cute” small robot grumbles. Jeez! Someone defended it saying its a comedy. Well its a pretty bad adolescent one only.
Even worse than Die Hard 4.0 (which was OK), when Bruce is chasing bad guys in a truck, but is forced onto a freeway bridge while bad guys drive away. Bruce then battles a jetfighter!, survives 2 missle strikes, jumps onto it jet (a la True Lies), jet crashes Bruce jumps off in time, looks up and sees bad guys truck turning a corner, so now he know where to go follow them!! Jeez! Thats just lazy writing.