As Kurt Vonnegut (or was it Baz Luhrman) suggested, every day do something that scares you.
7 Responses to “”Who is Todd Alcott?
Todd Alcott is a screenwriter living in Los Angeles with his wife and his kids and his cats and his dogs. He has worked on many feature films and has sometimes been credited for thus. You may have seen one.
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Page Summary
- 11/6/24 November 6, 2024
- Unexpectedly edifying double feature of the week: The Apprentice and Heaven’s Gate October 17, 2024
- Joker: Folie a Deux October 7, 2024
- Trap August 5, 2024
- Some thoughts on Furiosa May 31, 2024
- Some thoughts on Civil War April 16, 2024
- The Etruscan Horse February 18, 2024
- Some thoughts on the screenplay for Oppenheimer January 23, 2024
- The Beekeeper January 15, 2024
- Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde October 5, 2023
- Some thoughts on Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 May 7, 2023
- What does the screenwriter want? May 3, 2023
- The first time the WGA changed my life May 3, 2023
- Black Summer March 20, 2023
- Some thoughts on Elvis (2022) August 7, 2022
- Halloween 2021 November 2, 2021
- Some thoughts on The Boys October 3, 2020
- The Big Lebowski and our present moment May 19, 2020
- Some thoughts on The Lion King July 25, 2019
- Piece in The Guardian May 4, 2019
Or maybe Mary Schmich.
Still scary.
Spinning numbers
I was looking at those numbers and thinking what I could do with even a small fraction of that amount of money.
And that put me in mind of of a story I heard about a man who tried to get the electric meter on the side of his house to stop spinning. He spent the better part of an afternoon making his kids go around the house unplugging things while he stood at the meter to see if it had stopped. It never did.
Re: Spinning numbers
Trying buying stock in Halliburton. They’re getting a large percentage of that money — you could get a small percentage of theirs!
Re: Spinning numbers
My first thought was “Eeew! I’d feel dirty.”
My second thought was “It takes money to buy stock.”
My third thought was “I wouldn’t want to be holding that bag when the war crimes trials start.”
Re: Spinning numbers
Yeah. The above was not moral advice but fiscal advice. Personally I’d rather the money not to go them in first place.
Hee hee! Look at em run!
Sadly, it’s not as if the money being spent in Iraq would automatically go to build playgrounds otherwise. It’d jsut be wasted on some other damn fool thing.