My cat is in a similar phase. I still can’t figure out how she follows me from room to room without even getting up. I leave her behind and walk to a new room, and the instant I get there, I see her already flopped in the new room.
I think people have been wasting their time with this buttered bread on the backs of cats nonsense. There’s far better travel options available from cats, if we could just harness them…
Ah, kitty-teleportation. My youngest kitty hasn’t got the knack of that yet. He’s still at the “run inches in front of daddy’s feet and then collapse to the ground and make daddy fall backwards when he tries not to step on you” stage.
Todd Alcott is a screenwriter living in Los Angeles with his wife and his kids and his cats and his dogs. He has worked on many feature films and has sometimes been credited for thus. You may have seen one.
What goes on no legs at dawn, four legs at about 9-10 AM, and no legs for the rest of the day?
My cats all are at stage 5, or maybe 6… while occasionally reverting to stage 2 at about three in the morning.
Age 2 is also known as “Skeleton Demon”.
My cat is squarely Age 6, btw.
*!FuN FaCt!* Did you know that cats are incapable of love?
My kitty is at an unmentioned in-between phase where she must follow you around everywhere you go.
Ha, I was thinking of making an icon like that.
My cat is in a similar phase. I still can’t figure out how she follows me from room to room without even getting up. I leave her behind and walk to a new room, and the instant I get there, I see her already flopped in the new room.
Oh, my kitty will MEOW her way there. With MEOW-power.
I think people have been wasting their time with this buttered bread on the backs of cats nonsense. There’s far better travel options available from cats, if we could just harness them…
I’m thinking of putting a little mop on her belly so I can get some cleaning done.
Ah, kitty-teleportation. My youngest kitty hasn’t got the knack of that yet. He’s still at the “run inches in front of daddy’s feet and then collapse to the ground and make daddy fall backwards when he tries not to step on you” stage.
Josh Emery would’ve loved this. *sniffle*