Ordinary Decent Criminal
2000. Directed by Thaddeus O’Sullivan.
THE SHOT: Master thief Kevin Spacey may have bitten off more than he can chew when he steals a priceless Caravaggio from an art gallery. Can he outwit the police, the IRA and his own traitorous henchmen to become Ireland’s Best-Loved Thief?
TONE: Glib, knockabout 00s UK crime drama. Guy Ritchie without the flamboyance (not necessarily a criticism). Very much Butch Cassidy in spirit, complete with Entire Police Force Surrounding Our Protagonist ending.
Keyser Sose, it turns out, is a perfectly nice guy who just wants to be well-liked. Much Irish Pride on display. Funny gangsters. It’s all a big game, even when men are shot in the face, in shocking detail.
SPECIAL FEATURES: Kevin Spacey and Linda Fiorentino, two of our finest actors, play Irish. The rest of the cast are all actually Irish. These things happen. The first commercially-released film I’ve ever seen the devoted an actual close-up to a man’s penis. A dead man’s penis (same guy as the shot-off face). Take that, Tarantino!
DOES CRIME PAY? Depends what you want out of life, I guess.
The General
Kavin Spacey’s character in Ordinary Decent Criminal is based on the same dude played by Brendan Gleeson in John Boorman’s The General.
Re: The General
Kavin Spacey? Blegh.
That preview button’s there for a reason.
Re: The General
And here I thought you were making fun of his Irish accent.
Are you saying that his character is based on a real guy? It doesn’t say anywhere in the credits.
Re: The General
Wikipedia on Martin Cahill – apparantly Spacey’s character is loosely based on him: