Finally, I make the cover of the New Yorker
Too bad the lady with the baby had to block so much of my name — and on the very week I was headlining at Radio City!
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You must have Rockettes in your Pants!!
That’s not you, it’s Tony Scott.
I wonder if Adrian Tomine has a development deal with Tony Scott. Or George Lucas.
Wait, is she pulling a Michael Jackson?
Dan Clowes, to boot…
Actually, that’s Adrian Tomine, but I get your point.
Ever since I heard Charlie Kaufman moaning in Adaptation* that he couldnt write a screenplay of The Orchid Thief as it was a “long, rambling New Yorker piece” I’ve wondered what kind of magazine it is (one who doesnt respect a proformers right to see his name in lights, it seems).
*Best screenplay I ever read