My vow to you: go out and vote today, if you have not already, and I shall reward you with my long-awaited analysis of The Blob. If not, well, I just don’t know man, I just don’t know. That’s how serious this is.
32 Responses to “”Who is Todd Alcott?
Todd Alcott is a screenwriter living in Los Angeles with his wife and his kids and his cats and his dogs. He has worked on many feature films and has sometimes been credited for thus. You may have seen one.
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Page Summary
- 11/6/24 November 6, 2024
- Unexpectedly edifying double feature of the week: The Apprentice and Heaven’s Gate October 17, 2024
- Joker: Folie a Deux October 7, 2024
- Trap August 5, 2024
- Some thoughts on Furiosa May 31, 2024
- Some thoughts on Civil War April 16, 2024
- The Etruscan Horse February 18, 2024
- Some thoughts on the screenplay for Oppenheimer January 23, 2024
- The Beekeeper January 15, 2024
- Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde October 5, 2023
- Some thoughts on Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 May 7, 2023
- What does the screenwriter want? May 3, 2023
- The first time the WGA changed my life May 3, 2023
- Black Summer March 20, 2023
- Some thoughts on Elvis (2022) August 7, 2022
- Halloween 2021 November 2, 2021
- Some thoughts on The Boys October 3, 2020
- The Big Lebowski and our present moment May 19, 2020
- Some thoughts on The Lion King July 25, 2019
- Piece in The Guardian May 4, 2019
I love that movie!
And I just voted!
How about you reward me with a President Obama instead?
Oh man! That’s what I wanted!
I voted last night, saw some flooding in the basement of the elections offices. This morning I see a headline “Voters deluge polls.” So that’s what happened!
I’m still nervous this will get stolen again, may not relax until January.
That’s the first suggestion of mine you’ve entertained so I’m super pumped about the review.
Also, I threw my Obama-absentee ballot in last week.
Now all you need to do is convince a hundred and fifty million other people to do the same.
Don’t worry, I’ll wait.
My mom was gonna vote McCain, and I convinced her not to. Now she’s writing in Jimmy Carter, which is what she does whenever she doesn’t like either candidate. And my stepdad is writing in Palin, which is a vote less for McCain, I guess.
But I’m a college student, so all of my friends are already voting for Obama, except my Evangelical Christian friends and that one guy voting for Bob Barr.
But I’ll do what I can!
Just make sure all your college-student friends-who-are-voting-for-Obama actually go out and do so, instead of saying they will and then not, as college students generally do.
I kept trying to respond to that by talking about how Obama has this weird effect on college students that make us want to do things, but I couldn’t stop staring at the phrase “inscrutable nutjobs” in the top left corner of my screen.
Nevertheless, I will do my best to campaign for votes, if only to read your review of the Blob. (And get Obama elected, I guess)
A preview: your ability to get college students to vote and the plot of The Blob are, weirdly, inextricably connected.
Well, I often feel like Steve McQueen talking to the townspeople when I talk to people about politics. More often when I talk to adults, though.
I don’t know if it is a Bible Belt thing, but I can’t count how many of my elders have told me that I will become a Republican when I get older and have to pay taxes.
I am older and have to pay lots of taxes, and I fervently enjoy being a Democrat.
The Republican party exists only for the very wealthy — for generations they have convinced the poor and middle-class to vote for them against their own self-interest, through the “cultural conservative” approach. What’s that, you say? I’m making your standard of living worse with my policies? Look! Homosexuals, getting married!
A lot of that is outdated culture wars propaganda from the same rich people. The fact is that poor states vote Republican, but within every state the poorer people vote Democratic. This is probably all tied up with race and culture, but overall, There is Nothing Wrong With Kansas.
2004 Electoral maps by income level – it’s not just the godless coasts anymore!
Yeah, I figured that aging doesn’t make you into a Republican. It’s just this weird condescending thing I hear all the time.
They will also tell you that when you get older you’ll start liking Johnny Mathis, Sinatra, and pinochle. Not just condescending, but dumb. So here’s a thought to file away: Getting older doesn’t automatically mean getting smarter.
As for youall college kids? You totally rocked the vote yesterday.
Props to you!
Well, but it’s true about Sinatra.
I voted on Thursday. So did a lot of other people (many of them college students, I noticed). I hope we’ll be able to swing my state in Obama’s direction. It would be nice if we did.
I just got back from voting in NYC, where the line was the longest I’ve seen in my 22 years of voting here. (A neighbor who’s lived here for 50 years said the same.) At 6 a.m. it was around the corner, with at least 100 people waiting for the 6:15 opening time, and it was even longer by 6:30.
But the line moved quickly, and the polling station, which encompasses 8-10 election districts, was better organized than I’ve ever seen it. My time from joining the line to voting: less than 25 minutes.
I voted, though I had planned to do so before I knew there was a Blob analysis hanging in the balance. I live in Massachusetts so I’m guessing that Obama could carry the state without my help, but I do believe that my vote is important. Aside from the candidates I want to support, we have a couple of ballot questions I feel strongly about. And perhaps most importantly, democracy is so awesome that when we were leaving our polling place and saw lines going out the door, longer than we’ve seen in our years of living and voting here, my husband started to tear up, which just makes me love him and democracy all the more.
I’m hoping the Blob analysis shows up at least by late afternoon because I’ll be spending the evening watching the returns with friends.
I’ve got a busy day on this end. I hope to get to The Blob tomorrow.
Unless, of course,you people let me down.
That’s fine. Means I won’t have to periodically tear myself away from election coverage to check to see if you’ve exposed the deeper meaning of the title song’s lyrics. (In all seriousness,I do no recommend watching election coverage constantly, as there are long stretches where nothing is happening.)
Man, voting feels good. I was dancing out of the polling place.
I did that last week. This week, I’m building a MedialMall PlayOn server to stream NetFlix and Hulu to my Xbox 360.
Free coffee AND The Blob?
Oh my stars and garters!
I’m heading out! Out to vot–whu–wuhh. Wait a minute: which Blob are you reviewing!?
:: clutches un-finished ballot ::
Not the remake, right?
-Marco (writin’ in Steve McQueen!)
Surely you mean Steven McQueen.
already voted on friday!
It wouldn’t do to re-enact the final segment of Futurama’s A Head in the Polls, as I’m fairly certain that the consequences of people deciding that their participation isn’t needed will be much less amusing than a rampaging cyborg Nixon.
I’m confident McCain is in for a very disagreeable evening, but that isn’t a certainty without follow-through: it isn’t about how potential voters may feel, it’s about who shows up.
A rampaging howling cyborg Nixon.
*plays the theme song*
I voted in Virginia. So did my 87-year-old neighbor, who said, “I was sick with a cold, but I would have dragged myself to the polls.”
I suspect Mr. Alcott would be pleased with our mutual candidate of choice.
This is the first time since I was able to vote for a President that I’ve felt pretty awesome doing so.
— N.A.
I seriously think you should do a “Darabont: The Schlock Years” retrospective of THE BLOB, NIGHTMARE 3 and his first draft of FLY II (which is good). That dude can write! And Donovan Leitch was just so cute back in ’88.
Strangely, no lines at all at my polling place in Chicago, but perhaps that’s because I purposely waited until late morning.
I got a little teary-eyed voting for Obama, but my tears dried up quick when I started going through the votes to retain judges.
Also, just to be clear, we’re talking Blob ’58, right? Crazy–I just finished (re)watching that this morning, while making breakfast.