Kit’s favorite joke:
Kit: Knock knock!
Dad: Who’s there?
Kit: Yellow.
Dad: Yellow who?
Kit: Yellow banana!
(repeat fifty times.)
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Is Kit named after K.I.T.?
Please say yes, even if you’re lying.
PS- That joke is awesome.
It was “K.I.T.T.” The extra “t” is for Todd.
Damn! Thanks for the correction, hubby.
Kit is short for Kaitlin. Although, to be honest, Kaitlin is long for Kit.
That is, when it came time to name our daughter, my wife thought about and discarded hundreds of names, and then said “Well, what would we name her so that she would have the nickname Kit?” To which I said, “Well, why don’t we name her Kit?” But that seemed a little too on-the-nose, so we made it Kaitlin, which we never call her, not even in the “Kaitlin Alcott, put down that nailgun” kind of way.
That’s pretty good. Katherine can also be shortened to Kit as well, if I recall correctly.
But, do me a favor – on her 12th birthday, to freak her out, tell her that she was named after the car. She’ll freak, and you’ll laugh.
True story.
I’m at House on the Rock in Summerville, Wisconsin. If you’ve never been there, drop everything and go now. NOW. Then read the rest of this anecdote when you get back.
Short history: House on the Rock is, basically, a man-made Carlsbad Caverns of junk. A man built a strange, uninhabitable house, on a rock, in a gorge, near the Wisconsin Dells. People liked the house and came by to see it, disturbing the man’s work. So he started charging money to see the house, hoping that would put people off. (Strangely, Frank Lloyd Wright’s Tallesin is nearby.) Well, people weren’t put off, they just kept showing up. So he upped the admission price, and the crowds just got bigger and bigger. The man ended up making so much money that he didn’t know what to do with it. He had no ambitions to invest or travel, so he just kept making the strange, uninhabitable house bigger and bigger. When he couldn’t make it any bigger, he started buying all kinds of crap to put in it. Nothing was too weird, esoteric or useless. And on top of buying the weird crap, he would form it into even weirder sculptures and art projects. So there is a room filled with hundreds and hundreds of carousel horses, plus hundreds more that have been formed into garish monsters, angels with horse-heads and mannequin bodies with extra nipples plastered on and a huge room full of pipe organs that have been welded into the giant barrels made for beer distillation. A warehouse-sized room filled with dollhouses, another filled with mechanical jewelry advertisements from the 1930s. Oh and the hand-made animatronic musical instruments, dozens of them, whole rooms full of them. Stuff like that. Sensory overload. Insanity run rampant. Must be seen to be believed.
End of history.
So my girlfriend and I are trying to take in all this madness and we get to the part of the tour where we see the man’s car collection. And in addition to the classic cars, he’s got a number of sleek, modern sports cars as well.
Keep in mind, we’re in Wisconsin.
Now then. Our tour guide keeps referring to the sports cars as “kit cars,” which my gf and I find completely baffling. It sounds like the young lady is saying that the man built all these cars by hand from kits. Now I’ve heard of car kits, but these don’t look like kit cars, they look like actual production models of seventies sports cars. But she keeps going on and on about the kit cars, keeps using this phrase.
So finally I ask the young lady “Excuse me, what do you mean by ‘kit cars?'” And she, well, she doesn’t have any other words to describe them. She keeps on referring to them only as “kit cars,” as in “Well, he became interested in kit cars and so that’s what he bought.” And I’d say, again, “Yes, but what do you mean by ‘kit cars?’ What does that phrase mean?”
Anyway, it turns out that by “kit cars” she was actually referring to the “K.I.T.T.” car. To her, any sleek, low-riding seventies sports car was a “KITT car.”
My gf and I traded astonished glances and moved away quickly, to marvel at our tourguide’s stunning lack of context.
Many years later, I took my wife-to-be back to House on the Rock, but the charms of the overstuffed and insane refused to rub off on her. I married her anyway.
Actually, Alex Jordan was already rich before he started building the house – he came from a wealthy family and couldn’t make any kind of living because he drank too much and had rather severe mental problems. (Anyone who has seen the house has no problem believing that part.) He started building the house at least in part as a conscious insult to Frank Lloyd Wright, who had turned him down for an apprenticeship – it’s no accident that the HotR is visible from Taliesin.
Jordan’s family decided to just let him keep building onto the house to keep him occupied – and as you describe, once he didn’t want to build any more, to fill it full of his eccentric “collections.” The house and outbuildings were further expanded after Jordan’s death, to make it even more of a theme-park-like experience.
Insane millionaires – God love ’em. What would American culture be without them?
Funny, they don’t mention that on the tour.
Cute story. And the wife didn’t like it?
PS- I don’t know if you and me have, but me and James discussed this place because he has a shirt from their and wore it is Fortunes.
I went first. Nyah.
I had a K.I.T.T. car once but instead of William Daniels’ voice it had John Fiedler’s.
I have to start reading all comments before replying. New Year’s Resolution. For, uh, next year or something.
hhaa ok.
You could have just called her “Knight Industries Two Thousand”.
Kit: Knock knock!
Dad: Who’s there?
Kit: Yellow.
Dad: Yellow who?
Kit: Yellow banana!
That’s so true.
It’s like looking into the future, isn’t it? 🙂